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This is a 4-day email course where I'll show you how to improve the design of your presentations with four basic tips.

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HOW TO improve THE design

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Who am I and why

should you listen to me

I'm Jamila, owner of inkblue. I studied Graphic Design and with that, I obtained my Bachelor's degree. Early in my design career, I was exposed to so much about the business. After working in various boutique agencies, I entered into marketing. With such a small team, we had to be well rounded. I enjoyed the marketing side of the business, so I decided to further my education and obtained a Master's in Marketing. Fast forward, I landed a job that allows me to use both skill sets and more. It keeps the job interesting, which is why I really like what I do.

So why should you sign up for this course?

After being in the business for so long, and working in an industry where I constantly have to create presentations and present to business leaders, I have to know how to effectively design presentations that are easy to consume. Additionally, I also have to teach colleagues on how to be self sufficient, as much as possible, as they too are not designers, when creating presentations and/or proposals for clients.

With this course, you do not have to be a Graphic Designer. There are a few ways that you can make your presentations easy to consume with four basic tips. Therefore, in this free 4-day email course, you will learn:

  1. Hierarchy of typography;

  2. Effective use of white space;

  3. How to use imagery effectively in your presentations

  4. Effective use of color


If you want to learn how to use these tips, sign up for this free 4-day boot camp and I’ll give you key tips and tricks you need to improve your presentations.

Sign up today!

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